Vern Wedeven
Participating Instructor
Vern Wedeven is president of Wedeven Associates, Inc. (WAI), Edgmont, PA, a small business devoted to tribology research and development. Since 1987 he and his associates have developed specialized tribology test machines and test methods that link fundamental principals of tribology to service applications. The outcome after three decades of work is a new tribology-by-design (T/D) approach. T/D is a theory, suite of test/analysis tools, methodology, process, strategy, and solution outcome.
Wedeven Associates Machine (WAM) technology provides tribology research capability for major bearing companies, military laboratories and research institutes. He is involved in major research projects and consulting that serve aerospace and other industries. Specialized WAM machines are used by the U.S. military (Navy, Air Force and Army), bearing companies (SKF-ERC, Netherlands; Timken Research, Canton, OH) and research institutions (Lulea, Sweden; Kyushu Inst of Tech, Japan and Welch Tech Ctr, India).
Vern Wedeven has developed test methods for qualification of jet engine oils under a SAE international specification AS5780. These tests are for wear/scuffing load capacity, traction coefficient and pressure-viscosity coefficient.
He has made major contributions to the development of space propulsion systems (Space Shuttle Main Engine turbopumps) and aeropropulsion (jet engine oils, bearing and gear materials). Vern Wedeven is a graduate of Calvin University (BS), University of Michigan (BSME) and Imperial College, London, Ph.D. Previous employment includes NASA Glenn Res Ctr., NASA Hdqts and SKF-America. He is the author of over sixty technical papers in the area of tribology. He has authored chapters in three books and he holds three patents. He is a Fellow of STLE and the recipient of several awards: Walter D. Hodson Award (1975) for best published paper in STLE by an author under age of 35 years, Captain Alfred E. Hunt Award (1979) for best paper published in STLE, Arch T. Colwell Cooperative Engineering Metal for contributions of SAE Propulsion Lubricants Committee and the STLE International Award (2008) for outstanding contributions in tribology.