Academic Planning

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What courses are available?
When are courses offered?
Where do the courses take place?
Who attends?
How do I know if a course is right for me?
Who teaches MIT Professional Education's Short Programs courses?
Are there prerequisites or advance reading materials?
Are credits offered?
Can I apply this course to my professional training requirements?
Should I bring my laptop?
English is not my first language; can I still attend?
What if I’ve read the course description and I’m still not sure it is right for me?


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How do I apply?
Why do I have to create an account?
I am a former participant or once filled out a brochure request form, but never received a password. Do I need to create a new account to register for a course?
I'm completing the registration form for someone else. Can I use my email address to create the account?
When will I know if I’ve been accepted into the course?
What are the criteria for admission?
I’ve applied and been accepted into a course, now what do I do?
How will I receive information about the course once I've applied?
What is the application deadline?
I can’t attend on the scheduled date. Can I transfer into a different course?
I will be too busy to attend. Can my company send someone else in my place?
I was admitted and have paid, but cannot attend this year. Can I come next year instead?
I am a college undergraduate. Can I attend?
I am a high school student. Can I attend?


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How much are the course fees?
What does it mean when I've been accepted into a course?
How should I pay?
Are discounts available?
I need to cancel. Are there any fees?
Can I use G.I. Bill/VA benefits to pay for my courses?

Travel and Accommodations

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I am not from the U.S., what kind of visa do I need?
How do I get to MIT?
Where should I stay during my visit to Cambridge?
Is parking available on campus?
Where do I go on the first day of my course?
What should I wear to class?
Will I be able to access the internet?
What resources are there for people with disabilities?
Where should I eat?
What can my family do while we are in Cambridge?

Future Course Offerings

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Does Short Programs offer courses online?
Can my company sponsor a short course at our location?
Can Short Programs create/tailor a short course for my company?

Real Estate Certificate

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Should I bring my laptop or tablet?
Are these the same courses that I took through the MIT Center for Real Estate Professional Development Institute?
Why are these courses being offered through MIT Professional Education?
Will I receive a certificate?
Where will I register on the first morning of the course?
Are there online versions of these courses?
Will I receive MIT credit for these courses?
Will I have homework?
Will I be considered an alumnus/a of MIT?