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Lead Instructor(s)
Feb 25 - Apr 22, 2025
Registration Deadline
Course Length
8 weeks
Course Fee
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Decision-makers who are skilled at forecasting technology innovation have a competitive advantage. By gaining knowledge in forecasting technology, you can provide businesses with up-to-date data and analytical insights that can inform decision-making. Explore analytics tools to help companies analyze past trends and accurately predict future trends, allowing them to make more informed decisions.

MIT Professional Education’s online course Forecasting Technology Innovation: Using Data for Strategic Advantage explores the data-informed process of measuring, predicting, and influencing technological innovation.

Course Overview

MIT Professional Education’s 8-week Forecasting Technology Innovation: Using Data for Strategic Advantage course helps professionals make informed decisions backed by data. Forecast more accurately and leverage data for better technological innovation.

Obtain data-based knowledge and tools to drive better technology investment and design effective decisions.

Forecasting Technology Innovation Using Data for a Strategic Advantage, with curriculum developed and taught by MIT faculty, is delivered in collaboration with Global Alumni. Contact Global Alumni for more information about this program:

Global Alumni is an ed-tech company that collaborates with institutions to manage enrollments (including all payment services and invoicing), technology, and participant support. 

Learning Outcomes

The skills you will develop:

  • Develop and understanding of how large data sets at various levels of detail can be used to gain insights into the dynamics of technological innovation
  • Learn how to compare rates of progress of various technologies and products
  • Explore state of the art theories of technological innovations and their applications
  • Discover how to apply data analysis and theory to guide investment and design decisions
  • Improve decision-making to support technological innovation when designing financial portfolios, research and development portfolios, and public policy
Who Should Attend

Although the expertise found throughout this course can be applied to a wide series of industries, it is especially beneficial for those working in sectors such as chemicals, life sciences, manufacturing, investment, energy, and public policy. Though not limited to any job level, the most common roles that will benefit from the course include:

This program is directed to:

  • Research and development managers looking to advance their organization’s technology portfolio decision-making through data-informed insights
  • Production or manufacturing operations managers who wish to incorporate data collection and analysis to anticipate technologies changes and prioritize their investments in innovation.
  • C-suite and executive level management in technology-related firms in charge of establishing a data-informed technology plan for their organization
  • Public policy makers from technology-related sectors who want to discover how technological progress can be measured and predicted to help meet societal goals
  • Private investors interested in optimizing technology-related portfolios based on technology performance data, allowing them to improve technology investment decisions
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