Charles L. Cooney
Lead Instructor
Charles L. Cooney is Robert T. Haslam Professor Emeritus in the MIT Department of Chemical Engineering. Cooney obtained his bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania and his master’s degree and PhD degree in Biochemical Engineering from MIT. After working briefly at the Squibb Institute for Medical Research, he joined the faculty of MIT as an Assistant Professor in 1970 and has been a full Professor since 1982. He has received the 1989 Gold Medal of the Institute of Biotechnological Studies (London); the Food, Pharmaceutical and Bioengineering Award from the American Institute of Chemical Engineers; and the James Van Lanen Distinguished Service Award from the American Chemical Society’s Division of Microbial and Biochemical Technology, and was elected to the American Institute of Medical and Biochemical Engineers. He serves as a consultant to and/or director of a number of biotech and pharmaceutical companies and is on several boards of professional journals. Learn more at his website: https://cheme.mit.edu/profile/charles-l-cooney/